JavaScript Reference/Javascript Objects/Math

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"Math" Example

   <source lang="javascript">

<html> <body> <script language="javascript">

   function function1(){
       alert(Math.max(2, 4));

</script> <button onclick="function1();"> Math function returns greater of 2 numbers (2 or 4) </button> </body> </html>


"Math" JavaScript Methods

   <source lang="javascript">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | JavaScript |abs acos | | Methods |asin atan | | |atan2 ceil | | |cos exp | | |floor log | | |max min | | |pow random | | |round sin | | |sqrt tan | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"Math" JavaScript Properties

   <source lang="javascript">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | JavaScript |constructor E | | Properties |LN10 LN2 | | |lOG10E lOG2E | | |PI SQRT1_2 | | |SQRT2 | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"Math" Syntax and Note

   <source lang="javascript">

Note: Mathematical operations.


