JavaScript Reference/Javascript Methods/createRange

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"createRange()" Example

   <source lang="javascript">

<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> var myRange function function1() {

   myRange = document.body.createTextRange();

} function function2() {

   var selectR = document.selection.createRange();
   alert(myRange.rupareEndPoints("StartToEnd", selectR)); 

} function function3() {

   var selectR = document.selection.createRange();
   alert(myRange.rupareEndPoints("StartToStart", selectR)); 

} function function4() {

  var selectR = document.selection.createRange();
  alert(myRange.rupareEndPoints("EndToStart", selectR)); 

} function function5() {

  var selectR = document.selection.createRange();
  alert(myRange.rupareEndPoints("EndToEnd", selectR)); 

} </script></head> <body onLoad="function1();">

This is some text before the text that is used for comparison.

This is a text stream that is used for the first part of the comparison.

This is a text stream that is used for the second part of the comparison. Highlight any part of this section with your mouse, then click one of the buttons below.

<input type="button" value="StartToEnd" onclick="function2();"> <input type="button" value="StartToStart" onclick="function3();"> <input type="button" value="EndToStart" onclick="function4();"> <input type="button" value="EndToEnd" onclick="function5();"> </body> </html>


"createRange()" is applied to

   <source lang="javascript">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Applied_To |selection | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"createRange()" Syntax, Parameters and Note

   <source lang="javascript">

Note: Creates a TextRange with the text inside the selection object.


