JavaScript DHTML/YUI Library/DOM

Материал из Web эксперт
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DOM API: getAncestorByClassName("listItem")

   <source lang="html4strict">

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

 can introduce errors in determining
 element position and are not recommended;
 we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
 CSS treatments. */

body {


} </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

<style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

 border: 1px solid #333;
 padding: 10px;


  1. source li {
 list-style-type: decimal;
 margin-left: 20px;


  1. source li.highlight {
 list-style-type: decimal;           

} .highlight {

 background: #ccf;
 color: blue;

} li.even {

 background: #b3b3b3;



</head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




  • <a href="foo.html">getAncestorByClassName("listItem")</a>



<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

 var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
 if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

}); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

"); codedemo.push("
    "); codedemo.push("
  • item 1
  • "); codedemo.push("
  • item 2
  • "); codedemo.push("
  • item 3
  • "); codedemo.push("
"); codedemo.push("

// views object var views = {

 sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
 renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
 outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
 defaultView: {
   source: function() {
     return codedemo;
   output: ["Please select a function."]
 get1 : {
   source: function(){
     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
temp[0] = "
     return temp;
output: ["
 get2 : {
   source: function(){
     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
temp[0] = "
"; temp[1] = "
    "; return temp; }, output: ["
    ", "
       getAncestorByTagName : {
         source: function() {
           var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
      temp[0] = "
           return temp;
      output: ["
       getAncestorByClassName : {
         source: function (){
             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
        "; return temp; }, output: ["
          "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
        • item 1
        • "; temp[3]="
        • item 2
        • "; temp[4]="
        • item 3
        • ";
                return temp;
          output: ["
        • first
        • ", "
        • second
        • " , "
        • item 3
        • "]
            getFirstChild : {
           source: function (){
             var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
        • item 1
        • ";
             return temp;
          output: ["
        • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
        • item 3
        • ";
             return temp;
          output : ["
        • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
        • item 2
        • ";
             return temp;
          output: ["
        • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
        • item 1
        • ";
             return temp;
          output: ["
        • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
          "; temp[2]="
        • item 1
        • ";
             return temp;
           output: ["true"]
            insertBefore : {
             source : function(){
             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
        • new Item
        • ");
             return temp;
          output: ["
        • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
        • new Item
        • ");
             return temp;
          output: ["
        • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
        • item 3
        • ";
                 return temp;
          output: ["
        • item 3
        • "]

          }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

           // update sourceView
           views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
           // update renderView
           var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
           code = code.replace(",", "");
           views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
           var output = views[viewName].output;
           views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
           var pre = document.createElement("pre");
           for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


          function renderCode(codedemo){

           var out = "";          
          out += "
            var hlString = "";
            for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
            if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
              hlString = " class="highlight"";
            } else {
              if (i%2==0)
              hlString = " class="even"";
            out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
            hlString = ""
           return out;

          } function encode(str){

           str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
           str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
           str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
           return str;

          } })(); </script>

          </body> </html>


          <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

          DOM API: getAncestorByTagName("div", "one")

             <source lang="html4strict">

          <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

             <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

          <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

           can introduce errors in determining
           element position and are not recommended;
           we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
           CSS treatments. */

          body {


          } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

          <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

           border: 1px solid #333;
           padding: 10px;


          1. source li {
           list-style-type: decimal;
           margin-left: 20px;


          1. source li.highlight {
           list-style-type: decimal;           

          } .highlight {

           background: #ccf;
           color: blue;

          } li.even {

           background: #b3b3b3;



          </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


          Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

          In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




          • <a href="foo.html">getAncestorByTagName("div", "one")</a>



          <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

           var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
           if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

          }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

          "); codedemo.push("
            "); codedemo.push("
          • item 1
          • "); codedemo.push("
          • item 2
          • "); codedemo.push("
          • item 3
          • "); codedemo.push("
          "); codedemo.push("

          // views object var views = {

           sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
           renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
           outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
           defaultView: {
             source: function() {
               return codedemo;
             output: ["Please select a function."]
           get1 : {
             source: function(){
               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
          temp[0] = "
               return temp;
          output: ["
           get2 : {
             source: function(){
               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
          temp[0] = "
          "; temp[1] = "
            "; return temp; }, output: ["
            ", "
               getAncestorByTagName : {
                 source: function() {
                   var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
              temp[0] = "
                   return temp;
              output: ["
               getAncestorByClassName : {
                 source: function (){
                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                "; return temp; }, output: ["
                  "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                • item 1
                • "; temp[3]="
                • item 2
                • "; temp[4]="
                • item 3
                • ";
                        return temp;
                  output: ["
                • first
                • ", "
                • second
                • " , "
                • item 3
                • "]
                    getFirstChild : {
                   source: function (){
                     var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                • item 1
                • ";
                     return temp;
                  output: ["
                • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                • item 3
                • ";
                     return temp;
                  output : ["
                • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                • item 2
                • ";
                     return temp;
                  output: ["
                • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                • item 1
                • ";
                     return temp;
                  output: ["
                • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                  "; temp[2]="
                • item 1
                • ";
                     return temp;
                   output: ["true"]
                    insertBefore : {
                     source : function(){
                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                • new Item
                • ");
                     return temp;
                  output: ["
                • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                • new Item
                • ");
                     return temp;
                  output: ["
                • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                • item 3
                • ";
                         return temp;
                  output: ["
                • item 3
                • "]

                  }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                   // update sourceView
                   views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                   // update renderView
                   var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                   code = code.replace(",", "");
                   views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                   var output = views[viewName].output;
                   views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                   var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                   for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                  function renderCode(codedemo){

                   var out = "";          
                  out += "
                    var hlString = "";
                    for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                    if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                      hlString = " class="highlight"";
                    } else {
                      if (i%2==0)
                      hlString = " class="even"";
                    out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                    hlString = ""
                   return out;

                  } function encode(str){

                   str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                   str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                   str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                   return str;

                  } })(); </script>

                  </body> </html>


                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                  DOM API: getChildren("demoList")

                     <source lang="html4strict">

                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                  <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                   can introduce errors in determining
                   element position and are not recommended;
                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                   CSS treatments. */

                  body {


                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                  <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                   border: 1px solid #333;
                   padding: 10px;


                  1. source li {
                   list-style-type: decimal;
                   margin-left: 20px;


                  1. source li.highlight {
                   list-style-type: decimal;           

                  } .highlight {

                   background: #ccf;
                   color: blue;

                  } li.even {

                   background: #b3b3b3;



                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                  Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                  In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                  • <a href="foo.html">getChildren("demoList")</a>



                  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                   var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                   if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                  }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                  "); codedemo.push("
                    "); codedemo.push("
                  • item 1
                  • "); codedemo.push("
                  • item 2
                  • "); codedemo.push("
                  • item 3
                  • "); codedemo.push("
                  "); codedemo.push("

                  // views object var views = {

                   sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                   renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                   outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                   defaultView: {
                     source: function() {
                       return codedemo;
                     output: ["Please select a function."]
                   get1 : {
                     source: function(){
                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                  temp[0] = "
                       return temp;
                  output: ["
                   get2 : {
                     source: function(){
                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                  temp[0] = "
                  "; temp[1] = "
                    "; return temp; }, output: ["
                    ", "
                       getAncestorByTagName : {
                         source: function() {
                           var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                      temp[0] = "
                           return temp;
                      output: ["
                       getAncestorByClassName : {
                         source: function (){
                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                        "; return temp; }, output: ["
                          "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                        • item 1
                        • "; temp[3]="
                        • item 2
                        • "; temp[4]="
                        • item 3
                        • ";
                                return temp;
                          output: ["
                        • first
                        • ", "
                        • second
                        • " , "
                        • item 3
                        • "]
                            getFirstChild : {
                           source: function (){
                             var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                        • item 1
                        • ";
                             return temp;
                          output: ["
                        • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                        • item 3
                        • ";
                             return temp;
                          output : ["
                        • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                        • item 2
                        • ";
                             return temp;
                          output: ["
                        • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                        • item 1
                        • ";
                             return temp;
                          output: ["
                        • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                          "; temp[2]="
                        • item 1
                        • ";
                             return temp;
                           output: ["true"]
                            insertBefore : {
                             source : function(){
                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                        • new Item
                        • ");
                             return temp;
                          output: ["
                        • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                        • new Item
                        • ");
                             return temp;
                          output: ["
                        • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                        • item 3
                        • ";
                                 return temp;
                          output: ["
                        • item 3
                        • "]

                          }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                           // update sourceView
                           views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                           // update renderView
                           var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                           code = code.replace(",", "");
                           views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                           var output = views[viewName].output;
                           views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                           var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                           for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                          function renderCode(codedemo){

                           var out = "";          
                          out += "
                            var hlString = "";
                            for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                            if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                              hlString = " class="highlight"";
                            } else {
                              if (i%2==0)
                              hlString = " class="even"";
                            out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                            hlString = ""
                           return out;

                          } function encode(str){

                           str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                           str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                           str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                           return str;

                          } })(); </script>

                          </body> </html>


                          <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                          DOM API: getElementsBy()

                             <source lang="html4strict">

                          <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                             <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                          <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                           can introduce errors in determining
                           element position and are not recommended;
                           we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                           CSS treatments. */

                          body {


                          } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                          <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                           border: 1px solid #333;
                           padding: 10px;


                          1. source li {
                           list-style-type: decimal;
                           margin-left: 20px;


                          1. source li.highlight {
                           list-style-type: decimal;           

                          } .highlight {

                           background: #ccf;
                           color: blue;

                          } li.even {

                           background: #b3b3b3;



                          </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                          Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                          In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                          • <a href="foo.html">getElementsBy(getElementsByClassName("specialItems"), "li", "demo")</a>



                          <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                           var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                           if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                          }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                          "); codedemo.push("
                            "); codedemo.push("
                          • item 1
                          • "); codedemo.push("
                          • item 2
                          • "); codedemo.push("
                          • item 3
                          • "); codedemo.push("
                          "); codedemo.push("

                          // views object var views = {

                           sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                           renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                           outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                           defaultView: {
                             source: function() {
                               return codedemo;
                             output: ["Please select a function."]
                           get1 : {
                             source: function(){
                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                          temp[0] = "
                               return temp;
                          output: ["
                           get2 : {
                             source: function(){
                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                          temp[0] = "
                          "; temp[1] = "
                            "; return temp; }, output: ["
                            ", "
                               getAncestorByTagName : {
                                 source: function() {
                                   var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                              temp[0] = "
                                   return temp;
                              output: ["
                               getAncestorByClassName : {
                                 source: function (){
                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                  "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                • item 1
                                • "; temp[3]="
                                • item 2
                                • "; temp[4]="
                                • item 3
                                • ";
                                        return temp;
                                  output: ["
                                • first
                                • ", "
                                • second
                                • " , "
                                • item 3
                                • "]
                                    getFirstChild : {
                                   source: function (){
                                     var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                • item 1
                                • ";
                                     return temp;
                                  output: ["
                                • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                • item 3
                                • ";
                                     return temp;
                                  output : ["
                                • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                • item 2
                                • ";
                                     return temp;
                                  output: ["
                                • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                • item 1
                                • ";
                                     return temp;
                                  output: ["
                                • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                  "; temp[2]="
                                • item 1
                                • ";
                                     return temp;
                                   output: ["true"]
                                    insertBefore : {
                                     source : function(){
                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                • new Item
                                • ");
                                     return temp;
                                  output: ["
                                • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                • new Item
                                • ");
                                     return temp;
                                  output: ["
                                • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                • item 3
                                • ";
                                         return temp;
                                  output: ["
                                • item 3
                                • "]

                                  }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                   // update sourceView
                                   views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                   // update renderView
                                   var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                   code = code.replace(",", "");
                                   views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                   var output = views[viewName].output;
                                   views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                   var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                   for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                  function renderCode(codedemo){

                                   var out = "";          
                                  out += "
                                    var hlString = "";
                                    for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                    if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                      hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                    } else {
                                      if (i%2==0)
                                      hlString = " class="even"";
                                    out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                    hlString = ""
                                   return out;

                                  } function encode(str){

                                   str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                   str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                   str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                   return str;

                                  } })(); </script>

                                  </body> </html>


                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                  DOM API: getElementsByClassName("specialItems")

                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                  <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                   CSS treatments. */

                                  body {


                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                  <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                   border: 1px solid #333;
                                   padding: 10px;


                                  1. source li {
                                   list-style-type: decimal;
                                   margin-left: 20px;


                                  1. source li.highlight {
                                   list-style-type: decimal;           

                                  } .highlight {

                                   background: #ccf;
                                   color: blue;

                                  } li.even {

                                   background: #b3b3b3;



                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                  Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                  In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                  • <a href="foo.html">getElementsBy(getElementsByClassName("specialItems"), "li", "demo")</a>



                                  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                   var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                   if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                  }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                  "); codedemo.push("
                                    "); codedemo.push("
                                  • item 1
                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                  • item 2
                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                  • item 3
                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                  "); codedemo.push("

                                  // views object var views = {

                                   sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                   renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                   outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                   defaultView: {
                                     source: function() {
                                       return codedemo;
                                     output: ["Please select a function."]
                                   get1 : {
                                     source: function(){
                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                  temp[0] = "
                                       return temp;
                                  output: ["
                                   get2 : {
                                     source: function(){
                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                  temp[0] = "
                                  "; temp[1] = "
                                    "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                    ", "
                                       getAncestorByTagName : {
                                         source: function() {
                                           var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                      temp[0] = "
                                           return temp;
                                      output: ["
                                       getAncestorByClassName : {
                                         source: function (){
                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                        "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                          "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                        • item 1
                                        • "; temp[3]="
                                        • item 2
                                        • "; temp[4]="
                                        • item 3
                                        • ";
                                                return temp;
                                          output: ["
                                        • first
                                        • ", "
                                        • second
                                        • " , "
                                        • item 3
                                        • "]
                                            getFirstChild : {
                                           source: function (){
                                             var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                        • item 1
                                        • ";
                                             return temp;
                                          output: ["
                                        • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                        • item 3
                                        • ";
                                             return temp;
                                          output : ["
                                        • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                        • item 2
                                        • ";
                                             return temp;
                                          output: ["
                                        • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                        • item 1
                                        • ";
                                             return temp;
                                          output: ["
                                        • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                          "; temp[2]="
                                        • item 1
                                        • ";
                                             return temp;
                                           output: ["true"]
                                            insertBefore : {
                                             source : function(){
                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                        • new Item
                                        • ");
                                             return temp;
                                          output: ["
                                        • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                        • new Item
                                        • ");
                                             return temp;
                                          output: ["
                                        • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                        • item 3
                                        • ";
                                                 return temp;
                                          output: ["
                                        • item 3
                                        • "]

                                          }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                           // update sourceView
                                           views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                           // update renderView
                                           var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                           code = code.replace(",", "");
                                           views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                           var output = views[viewName].output;
                                           views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                           var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                           for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                          function renderCode(codedemo){

                                           var out = "";          
                                          out += "
                                            var hlString = "";
                                            for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                            if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                              hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                            } else {
                                              if (i%2==0)
                                              hlString = " class="even"";
                                            out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                            hlString = ""
                                           return out;

                                          } function encode(str){

                                           str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                           str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                           str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                           return str;

                                          } })(); </script>

                                          </body> </html>


                                          <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                          DOM API: getFirstChild("demoList")

                                             <source lang="html4strict">

                                          <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                             <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                          <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                           can introduce errors in determining
                                           element position and are not recommended;
                                           we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                           CSS treatments. */

                                          body {


                                          } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                          <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                           border: 1px solid #333;
                                           padding: 10px;


                                          1. source li {
                                           list-style-type: decimal;
                                           margin-left: 20px;


                                          1. source li.highlight {
                                           list-style-type: decimal;           

                                          } .highlight {

                                           background: #ccf;
                                           color: blue;

                                          } li.even {

                                           background: #b3b3b3;



                                          </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                          Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                          In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                          • <a href="foo.html">getFirstChild("demoList")</a>



                                          <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                           var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                           if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                          }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                          "); codedemo.push("
                                            "); codedemo.push("
                                          • item 1
                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                          • item 2
                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                          • item 3
                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                          "); codedemo.push("

                                          // views object var views = {

                                           sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                           renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                           outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                           defaultView: {
                                             source: function() {
                                               return codedemo;
                                             output: ["Please select a function."]
                                           get1 : {
                                             source: function(){
                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                          temp[0] = "
                                               return temp;
                                          output: ["
                                           get2 : {
                                             source: function(){
                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                          temp[0] = "
                                          "; temp[1] = "
                                            "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                            ", "
                                               getAncestorByTagName : {
                                                 source: function() {
                                                   var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                              temp[0] = "
                                                   return temp;
                                              output: ["
                                               getAncestorByClassName : {
                                                 source: function (){
                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                  "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                • item 1
                                                • "; temp[3]="
                                                • item 2
                                                • "; temp[4]="
                                                • item 3
                                                • ";
                                                        return temp;
                                                  output: ["
                                                • first
                                                • ", "
                                                • second
                                                • " , "
                                                • item 3
                                                • "]
                                                    getFirstChild : {
                                                   source: function (){
                                                     var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                                • item 1
                                                • ";
                                                     return temp;
                                                  output: ["
                                                • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                                • item 3
                                                • ";
                                                     return temp;
                                                  output : ["
                                                • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                                • item 2
                                                • ";
                                                     return temp;
                                                  output: ["
                                                • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                • item 1
                                                • ";
                                                     return temp;
                                                  output: ["
                                                • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                                  "; temp[2]="
                                                • item 1
                                                • ";
                                                     return temp;
                                                   output: ["true"]
                                                    insertBefore : {
                                                     source : function(){
                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                • new Item
                                                • ");
                                                     return temp;
                                                  output: ["
                                                • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                                • new Item
                                                • ");
                                                     return temp;
                                                  output: ["
                                                • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                                • item 3
                                                • ";
                                                         return temp;
                                                  output: ["
                                                • item 3
                                                • "]

                                                  }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                                   // update sourceView
                                                   views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                                   // update renderView
                                                   var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                                   code = code.replace(",", "");
                                                   views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                                   var output = views[viewName].output;
                                                   views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                                   var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                                   for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                                  function renderCode(codedemo){

                                                   var out = "";          
                                                  out += "
                                                    var hlString = "";
                                                    for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                                    if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                                      hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                                    } else {
                                                      if (i%2==0)
                                                      hlString = " class="even"";
                                                    out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                                    hlString = ""
                                                   return out;

                                                  } function encode(str){

                                                   str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                                   str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                                   str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                                   return str;

                                                  } })(); </script>

                                                  </body> </html>


                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                  DOM API: get(id)

                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                  <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                  body {


                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                  <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                                   border: 1px solid #333;
                                                   padding: 10px;


                                                  1. source li {
                                                   list-style-type: decimal;
                                                   margin-left: 20px;


                                                  1. source li.highlight {
                                                   list-style-type: decimal;           

                                                  } .highlight {

                                                   background: #ccf;
                                                   color: blue;

                                                  } li.even {

                                                   background: #b3b3b3;



                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                                  Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                                  In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                                  • <a href="foo.html">get("demo")</a>



                                                  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                                   var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                                   if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                                  }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                                  "); codedemo.push("
                                                    "); codedemo.push("
                                                  • item 1
                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                  • item 2
                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                  • item 3
                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                  "); codedemo.push("

                                                  // views object var views = {

                                                   sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                                   renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                                   outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                                   defaultView: {
                                                     source: function() {
                                                       return codedemo;
                                                     output: ["Please select a function."]
                                                   get1 : {
                                                     source: function(){
                                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                  temp[0] = "
                                                       return temp;
                                                  output: ["
                                                   get2 : {
                                                     source: function(){
                                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                  temp[0] = "
                                                  "; temp[1] = "
                                                    "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                    ", "
                                                       getAncestorByTagName : {
                                                         source: function() {
                                                           var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                      temp[0] = "
                                                           return temp;
                                                      output: ["
                                                       getAncestorByClassName : {
                                                         source: function (){
                                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                        "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                          "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                        • item 1
                                                        • "; temp[3]="
                                                        • item 2
                                                        • "; temp[4]="
                                                        • item 3
                                                        • ";
                                                                return temp;
                                                          output: ["
                                                        • first
                                                        • ", "
                                                        • second
                                                        • " , "
                                                        • item 3
                                                        • "]
                                                            getFirstChild : {
                                                           source: function (){
                                                             var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                                        • item 1
                                                        • ";
                                                             return temp;
                                                          output: ["
                                                        • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                                        • item 3
                                                        • ";
                                                             return temp;
                                                          output : ["
                                                        • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                                        • item 2
                                                        • ";
                                                             return temp;
                                                          output: ["
                                                        • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                        • item 1
                                                        • ";
                                                             return temp;
                                                          output: ["
                                                        • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                                          "; temp[2]="
                                                        • item 1
                                                        • ";
                                                             return temp;
                                                           output: ["true"]
                                                            insertBefore : {
                                                             source : function(){
                                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                        • new Item
                                                        • ");
                                                             return temp;
                                                          output: ["
                                                        • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                                        • new Item
                                                        • ");
                                                             return temp;
                                                          output: ["
                                                        • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                                        • item 3
                                                        • ";
                                                                 return temp;
                                                          output: ["
                                                        • item 3
                                                        • "]

                                                          }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                                           // update sourceView
                                                           views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                                           // update renderView
                                                           var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                                           code = code.replace(",", "");
                                                           views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                                           var output = views[viewName].output;
                                                           views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                                           var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                                           for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                                          function renderCode(codedemo){

                                                           var out = "";          
                                                          out += "
                                                            var hlString = "";
                                                            for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                                            if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                                              hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                                            } else {
                                                              if (i%2==0)
                                                              hlString = " class="even"";
                                                            out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                                            hlString = ""
                                                           return out;

                                                          } function encode(str){

                                                           str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                                           str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                                           str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                                           return str;

                                                          } })(); </script>

                                                          </body> </html>


                                                          <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                          DOM API: get(id, child id)

                                                             <source lang="html4strict">

                                                          <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                             <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                          <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                           can introduce errors in determining
                                                           element position and are not recommended;
                                                           we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                           CSS treatments. */

                                                          body {


                                                          } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                          <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                                           border: 1px solid #333;
                                                           padding: 10px;


                                                          1. source li {
                                                           list-style-type: decimal;
                                                           margin-left: 20px;


                                                          1. source li.highlight {
                                                           list-style-type: decimal;           

                                                          } .highlight {

                                                           background: #ccf;
                                                           color: blue;

                                                          } li.even {

                                                           background: #b3b3b3;



                                                          </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                                          Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                                          In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                                          • <a href="foo.html">get(["demo", "demoList"])</a>



                                                          <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                                           var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                                           if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                                          }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                                          "); codedemo.push("
                                                            "); codedemo.push("
                                                          • item 1
                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                          • item 2
                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                          • item 3
                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                          "); codedemo.push("

                                                          // views object var views = {

                                                           sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                                           renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                                           outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                                           defaultView: {
                                                             source: function() {
                                                               return codedemo;
                                                             output: ["Please select a function."]
                                                           get1 : {
                                                             source: function(){
                                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                          temp[0] = "
                                                               return temp;
                                                          output: ["
                                                           get2 : {
                                                             source: function(){
                                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                          temp[0] = "
                                                          "; temp[1] = "
                                                            "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                            ", "
                                                               getAncestorByTagName : {
                                                                 source: function() {
                                                                   var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                              temp[0] = "
                                                                   return temp;
                                                              output: ["
                                                               getAncestorByClassName : {
                                                                 source: function (){
                                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                  "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                • item 1
                                                                • "; temp[3]="
                                                                • item 2
                                                                • "; temp[4]="
                                                                • item 3
                                                                • ";
                                                                        return temp;
                                                                  output: ["
                                                                • first
                                                                • ", "
                                                                • second
                                                                • " , "
                                                                • item 3
                                                                • "]
                                                                    getFirstChild : {
                                                                   source: function (){
                                                                     var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                                                • item 1
                                                                • ";
                                                                     return temp;
                                                                  output: ["
                                                                • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                                                • item 3
                                                                • ";
                                                                     return temp;
                                                                  output : ["
                                                                • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                                                • item 2
                                                                • ";
                                                                     return temp;
                                                                  output: ["
                                                                • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                • item 1
                                                                • ";
                                                                     return temp;
                                                                  output: ["
                                                                • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                                                  "; temp[2]="
                                                                • item 1
                                                                • ";
                                                                     return temp;
                                                                   output: ["true"]
                                                                    insertBefore : {
                                                                     source : function(){
                                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                • new Item
                                                                • ");
                                                                     return temp;
                                                                  output: ["
                                                                • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                                                • new Item
                                                                • ");
                                                                     return temp;
                                                                  output: ["
                                                                • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                                                • item 3
                                                                • ";
                                                                         return temp;
                                                                  output: ["
                                                                • item 3
                                                                • "]

                                                                  }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                                                   // update sourceView
                                                                   views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                                                   // update renderView
                                                                   var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                                                   code = code.replace(",", "");
                                                                   views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                                                   var output = views[viewName].output;
                                                                   views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                                                   var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                                                   for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                                                  function renderCode(codedemo){

                                                                   var out = "";          
                                                                  out += "
                                                                    var hlString = "";
                                                                    for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                                                    if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                                                      hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                                                    } else {
                                                                      if (i%2==0)
                                                                      hlString = " class="even"";
                                                                    out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                                                    hlString = ""
                                                                   return out;

                                                                  } function encode(str){

                                                                   str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                                                   str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                                                   str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                                                   return str;

                                                                  } })(); </script>

                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                  Dynamically update table cell

                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                  <title>Type-Checking Your Data</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                  body {


                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                  <style type="text/css">

                                                                     #demo {
                                                                         border-collapse: collapse;
                                                                     #demo th {
                                                                         background: #E76300;
                                                                         color: #fff;
                                                                         padding: .2em 1em;
                                                                         border: 1px solid #ccc;
                                                                     #demo td {
                                                                         padding: .2em 1ex;
                                                                         border: 1px solid #ccc;
                                                                         text-align: center;
                                                                     #demo code {
                                                                         background: #eee;
                                                                         display: block;
                                                                         text-align: left;


                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">

                                                                  Type-Checking Your Data

                                                                  The <a href="">Yahoo Global Object</a> includes several useful type-checking methods in the YAHOO.lang object. Click the Check button in each row to evaluate the data.

                                                                  <thead> </thead> <tbody> <tbody>
                                                                  Data isObject isArray isFunction
                                                                  null<code></td> <input type="button" name="demo-1" id="demo-1" value="check"/></td>
                                                                  <code>[] or new Array() <input type="button" name="demo-2" id="demo-2" value="check"/>
                                                                  {} or new Object() <input type="button" name="demo-3" id="demo-3" value="check"/>
                                                                  function Foo() {} <input type="button" name="demo-4" id="demo-4" value="check"/>
                                                                  new Foo() <input type="button" name="demo-5" id="demo-5" value="check"/>
                                                                  elem.getElementsByTagName("p") <input type="button" name="demo-6" id="demo-6" value="check"/>
                                                                  <input type="button" name="demo-7" id="demo-7" value="check"/>

                                                                  <script type="text/javascript">

                                                                     YAHOO.example.checkType = function (val) {
                                                                         return {
                                                                             "object"  : YAHOO.lang.isObject(val),
                                                                             "array"   : YAHOO.lang.isArray(val),
                                                                             "function": YAHOO.lang.isFunction(val)
                                                                     YAHOO.example.populateRow = function (e, data) {
                                                                         var cell = this.parentNode,
                                                                             row  = cell.parentNode;
                                                                         var td0 = document.createElement("td"),
                                                                             td1 = td0.cloneNode(false),
                                                                             td2 = td0.cloneNode(false);
                                                                         var results = YAHOO.example.checkType(data);
                                                                             results["object"] ?   "Y" : "N"));
                                                                             results["array"] ?    "Y" : "N"));
                                                                             results["function"] ? "Y" : "N"));
                                                                     var foo = function () {};
                                                                     var f = document.getElementById("demo");
                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-1","click",YAHOO.example.populateRow, null);
                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-2","click",YAHOO.example.populateRow, []);
                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-3","click",YAHOO.example.populateRow, {});
                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-4","click",YAHOO.example.populateRow, foo);
                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-5","click",YAHOO.example.populateRow, new foo());


                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>


                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                  <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                  body {


                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                  <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                                                   border: 1px solid #333;
                                                                   padding: 10px;


                                                                  1. source li {
                                                                   list-style-type: decimal;
                                                                   margin-left: 20px;


                                                                  1. source li.highlight {
                                                                   list-style-type: decimal;           

                                                                  } .highlight {

                                                                   background: #ccf;
                                                                   color: blue;

                                                                  } li.even {

                                                                   background: #b3b3b3;



                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                                                  Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                                                  In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                                                  • <a href="foo.html">getLastChild("demoList")</a>



                                                                  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                                                   var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                                                   if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                                                  }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                                                  "); codedemo.push("
                                                                    "); codedemo.push("
                                                                  • item 1
                                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                  • item 2
                                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                  • item 3
                                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                  "); codedemo.push("

                                                                  // views object var views = {

                                                                   sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                                                   renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                                                   outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                                                   defaultView: {
                                                                     source: function() {
                                                                       return codedemo;
                                                                     output: ["Please select a function."]
                                                                   get1 : {
                                                                     source: function(){
                                                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                  temp[0] = "
                                                                       return temp;
                                                                  output: ["
                                                                   get2 : {
                                                                     source: function(){
                                                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                  temp[0] = "
                                                                  "; temp[1] = "
                                                                    "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                    ", "
                                                                       getAncestorByTagName : {
                                                                         source: function() {
                                                                           var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                      temp[0] = "
                                                                           return temp;
                                                                      output: ["
                                                                       getAncestorByClassName : {
                                                                         source: function (){
                                                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                        "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                          "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                        • item 1
                                                                        • "; temp[3]="
                                                                        • item 2
                                                                        • "; temp[4]="
                                                                        • item 3
                                                                        • ";
                                                                                return temp;
                                                                          output: ["
                                                                        • first
                                                                        • ", "
                                                                        • second
                                                                        • " , "
                                                                        • item 3
                                                                        • "]
                                                                            getFirstChild : {
                                                                           source: function (){
                                                                             var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                                                        • item 1
                                                                        • ";
                                                                             return temp;
                                                                          output: ["
                                                                        • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                                                        • item 3
                                                                        • ";
                                                                             return temp;
                                                                          output : ["
                                                                        • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                                                        • item 2
                                                                        • ";
                                                                             return temp;
                                                                          output: ["
                                                                        • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                        • item 1
                                                                        • ";
                                                                             return temp;
                                                                          output: ["
                                                                        • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                                                          "; temp[2]="
                                                                        • item 1
                                                                        • ";
                                                                             return temp;
                                                                           output: ["true"]
                                                                            insertBefore : {
                                                                             source : function(){
                                                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                        • new Item
                                                                        • ");
                                                                             return temp;
                                                                          output: ["
                                                                        • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                                                        • new Item
                                                                        • ");
                                                                             return temp;
                                                                          output: ["
                                                                        • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                                                        • item 3
                                                                        • ";
                                                                                 return temp;
                                                                          output: ["
                                                                        • item 3
                                                                        • "]

                                                                          }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                                                           // update sourceView
                                                                           views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                                                           // update renderView
                                                                           var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                                                           code = code.replace(",", "");
                                                                           views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                                                           var output = views[viewName].output;
                                                                           views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                                                           var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                                                           for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                                                          function renderCode(codedemo){

                                                                           var out = "";          
                                                                          out += "
                                                                            var hlString = "";
                                                                            for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                                                            if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                                                              hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                                                            } else {
                                                                              if (i%2==0)
                                                                              hlString = " class="even"";
                                                                            out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                                                            hlString = ""
                                                                           return out;

                                                                          } function encode(str){

                                                                           str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                                                           str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                                                           str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                                                           return str;

                                                                          } })(); </script>

                                                                          </body> </html>


                                                                          <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>


                                                                             <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                          <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                             <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                          <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                           can introduce errors in determining
                                                                           element position and are not recommended;
                                                                           we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                           CSS treatments. */

                                                                          body {


                                                                          } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                          <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                                                           border: 1px solid #333;
                                                                           padding: 10px;


                                                                          1. source li {
                                                                           list-style-type: decimal;
                                                                           margin-left: 20px;


                                                                          1. source li.highlight {
                                                                           list-style-type: decimal;           

                                                                          } .highlight {

                                                                           background: #ccf;
                                                                           color: blue;

                                                                          } li.even {

                                                                           background: #b3b3b3;



                                                                          </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                                                          Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                                                          In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                                                          • <a href="foo.html">getNextSibling("one")</a>



                                                                          <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                                                           var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                                                           if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                                                          }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                                                          "); codedemo.push("
                                                                            "); codedemo.push("
                                                                          • item 1
                                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                          • item 2
                                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                          • item 3
                                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                          "); codedemo.push("

                                                                          // views object var views = {

                                                                           sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                                                           renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                                                           outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                                                           defaultView: {
                                                                             source: function() {
                                                                               return codedemo;
                                                                             output: ["Please select a function."]
                                                                           get1 : {
                                                                             source: function(){
                                                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                          temp[0] = "
                                                                               return temp;
                                                                          output: ["
                                                                           get2 : {
                                                                             source: function(){
                                                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                          temp[0] = "
                                                                          "; temp[1] = "
                                                                            "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                            ", "
                                                                               getAncestorByTagName : {
                                                                                 source: function() {
                                                                                   var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                              temp[0] = "
                                                                                   return temp;
                                                                              output: ["
                                                                               getAncestorByClassName : {
                                                                                 source: function (){
                                                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                                  "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                • "; temp[3]="
                                                                                • item 2
                                                                                • "; temp[4]="
                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                • ";
                                                                                        return temp;
                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                • first
                                                                                • ", "
                                                                                • second
                                                                                • " , "
                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                • "]
                                                                                    getFirstChild : {
                                                                                   source: function (){
                                                                                     var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                • ";
                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                • ";
                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                  output : ["
                                                                                • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                                                                • item 2
                                                                                • ";
                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                • ";
                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                                                                  "; temp[2]="
                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                • ";
                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                   output: ["true"]
                                                                                    insertBefore : {
                                                                                     source : function(){
                                                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                • new Item
                                                                                • ");
                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                                                                • new Item
                                                                                • ");
                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                • ";
                                                                                         return temp;
                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                • "]

                                                                                  }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                                                                   // update sourceView
                                                                                   views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                                                                   // update renderView
                                                                                   var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                                                                   code = code.replace(",", "");
                                                                                   views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                                                                   var output = views[viewName].output;
                                                                                   views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                                                                   var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                                                                   for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                                                                  function renderCode(codedemo){

                                                                                   var out = "";          
                                                                                  out += "
                                                                                    var hlString = "";
                                                                                    for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                                                                    if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                                                                      hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                      if (i%2==0)
                                                                                      hlString = " class="even"";
                                                                                    out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                                                                    hlString = ""
                                                                                   return out;

                                                                                  } function encode(str){

                                                                                   str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                                                                   str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                                                                   str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                                                                   return str;

                                                                                  } })(); </script>

                                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>


                                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                  <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                                  body {


                                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                  <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                                                                   border: 1px solid #333;
                                                                                   padding: 10px;


                                                                                  1. source li {
                                                                                   list-style-type: decimal;
                                                                                   margin-left: 20px;


                                                                                  1. source li.highlight {
                                                                                   list-style-type: decimal;           

                                                                                  } .highlight {

                                                                                   background: #ccf;
                                                                                   color: blue;

                                                                                  } li.even {

                                                                                   background: #b3b3b3;



                                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                                                                  Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                                                                  In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                                                                  • <a href="foo.html">getPreviousSibling("two")</a>



                                                                                  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                                                                   var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                                                                   if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                                                                  }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                                                                  "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                    "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                  • item 1
                                                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                  • item 2
                                                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                  • item 3
                                                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                  "); codedemo.push("

                                                                                  // views object var views = {

                                                                                   sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                                                                   renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                                                                   outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                                                                   defaultView: {
                                                                                     source: function() {
                                                                                       return codedemo;
                                                                                     output: ["Please select a function."]
                                                                                   get1 : {
                                                                                     source: function(){
                                                                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                  temp[0] = "
                                                                                       return temp;
                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                   get2 : {
                                                                                     source: function(){
                                                                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                  temp[0] = "
                                                                                  "; temp[1] = "
                                                                                    "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                                    ", "
                                                                                       getAncestorByTagName : {
                                                                                         source: function() {
                                                                                           var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                      temp[0] = "
                                                                                           return temp;
                                                                                      output: ["
                                                                                       getAncestorByClassName : {
                                                                                         source: function (){
                                                                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                        "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                                          "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                        • item 1
                                                                                        • "; temp[3]="
                                                                                        • item 2
                                                                                        • "; temp[4]="
                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                                return temp;
                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                        • first
                                                                                        • ", "
                                                                                        • second
                                                                                        • " , "
                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                        • "]
                                                                                            getFirstChild : {
                                                                                           source: function (){
                                                                                             var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                        • item 1
                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                        • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                          output : ["
                                                                                        • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                                                                        • item 2
                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                        • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                        • item 1
                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                        • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                                                                          "; temp[2]="
                                                                                        • item 1
                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                           output: ["true"]
                                                                                            insertBefore : {
                                                                                             source : function(){
                                                                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                        • new Item
                                                                                        • ");
                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                        • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                                                                        • new Item
                                                                                        • ");
                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                        • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                                 return temp;
                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                        • "]

                                                                                          }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                                                                           // update sourceView
                                                                                           views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                                                                           // update renderView
                                                                                           var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                                                                           code = code.replace(",", "");
                                                                                           views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                                                                           var output = views[viewName].output;
                                                                                           views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                                                                           var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                                                                           for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                                                                          function renderCode(codedemo){

                                                                                           var out = "";          
                                                                                          out += "
                                                                                            var hlString = "";
                                                                                            for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                                                                            if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                                                                              hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                                                                            } else {
                                                                                              if (i%2==0)
                                                                                              hlString = " class="even"";
                                                                                            out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                                                                            hlString = ""
                                                                                           return out;

                                                                                          } function encode(str){

                                                                                           str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                                                                           str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                                                                           str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                                                                           return str;

                                                                                          } })(); </script>

                                                                                          </body> </html>


                                                                                          <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                          insertAfter(li, "one")

                                                                                             <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                          <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                             <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                          <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                           can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                           element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                           we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                           CSS treatments. */

                                                                                          body {


                                                                                          } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                          <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                                                                           border: 1px solid #333;
                                                                                           padding: 10px;


                                                                                          1. source li {
                                                                                           list-style-type: decimal;
                                                                                           margin-left: 20px;


                                                                                          1. source li.highlight {
                                                                                           list-style-type: decimal;           

                                                                                          } .highlight {

                                                                                           background: #ccf;
                                                                                           color: blue;

                                                                                          } li.even {

                                                                                           background: #b3b3b3;



                                                                                          </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                                                                          Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                                                                          In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                                                                          • <a href="foo.html">insertAfter(li, "one")</a>



                                                                                          <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                                                                           var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                                                                           if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                                                                          }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                                                                          "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                            "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                          • item 1
                                                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                          • item 2
                                                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                          • item 3
                                                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                          "); codedemo.push("

                                                                                          // views object var views = {

                                                                                           sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                                                                           renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                                                                           outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                                                                           defaultView: {
                                                                                             source: function() {
                                                                                               return codedemo;
                                                                                             output: ["Please select a function."]
                                                                                           get1 : {
                                                                                             source: function(){
                                                                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                          temp[0] = "
                                                                                               return temp;
                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                           get2 : {
                                                                                             source: function(){
                                                                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                          temp[0] = "
                                                                                          "; temp[1] = "
                                                                                            "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                                            ", "
                                                                                               getAncestorByTagName : {
                                                                                                 source: function() {
                                                                                                   var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                              temp[0] = "
                                                                                                   return temp;
                                                                                              output: ["
                                                                                               getAncestorByClassName : {
                                                                                                 source: function (){
                                                                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                                                  "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                                • "; temp[3]="
                                                                                                • item 2
                                                                                                • "; temp[4]="
                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                        return temp;
                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                • first
                                                                                                • ", "
                                                                                                • second
                                                                                                • " , "
                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                • "]
                                                                                                    getFirstChild : {
                                                                                                   source: function (){
                                                                                                     var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                  output : ["
                                                                                                • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                                                                                • item 2
                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                                                                                  "; temp[2]="
                                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                   output: ["true"]
                                                                                                    insertBefore : {
                                                                                                     source : function(){
                                                                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                • new Item
                                                                                                • ");
                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                                                                                • new Item
                                                                                                • ");
                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                         return temp;
                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                • "]

                                                                                                  }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                                                                                   // update sourceView
                                                                                                   views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                                                                                   // update renderView
                                                                                                   var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                                                                                   code = code.replace(",", "");
                                                                                                   views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                                                                                   var output = views[viewName].output;
                                                                                                   views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                                                                                   var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                                                                                   for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                                                                                  function renderCode(codedemo){

                                                                                                   var out = "";          
                                                                                                  out += "
                                                                                                    var hlString = "";
                                                                                                    for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                                                                                    if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                                                                                      hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                                      if (i%2==0)
                                                                                                      hlString = " class="even"";
                                                                                                    out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                                                                                    hlString = ""
                                                                                                   return out;

                                                                                                  } function encode(str){

                                                                                                   str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                                                                                   str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                                                                                   str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                                                                                   return str;

                                                                                                  } })(); </script>

                                                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                                  insertBefore(li, "one")

                                                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                                  <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                                                  body {


                                                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                                  <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                                                                                   border: 1px solid #333;
                                                                                                   padding: 10px;


                                                                                                  1. source li {
                                                                                                   list-style-type: decimal;
                                                                                                   margin-left: 20px;


                                                                                                  1. source li.highlight {
                                                                                                   list-style-type: decimal;           

                                                                                                  } .highlight {

                                                                                                   background: #ccf;
                                                                                                   color: blue;

                                                                                                  } li.even {

                                                                                                   background: #b3b3b3;



                                                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                                                                                  Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                                                                                  In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                                                                                  • <a href="foo.html">insertBefore(li, "one")</a>



                                                                                                  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                                                                                   var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                                                                                   if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                                                                                  }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                                                                                  "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                    "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                  • item 1
                                                                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                  • item 2
                                                                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                  • item 3
                                                                                                  • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                  "); codedemo.push("

                                                                                                  // views object var views = {

                                                                                                   sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                                                                                   renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                                                                                   outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                                                                                   defaultView: {
                                                                                                     source: function() {
                                                                                                       return codedemo;
                                                                                                     output: ["Please select a function."]
                                                                                                   get1 : {
                                                                                                     source: function(){
                                                                                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                  temp[0] = "
                                                                                                       return temp;
                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                   get2 : {
                                                                                                     source: function(){
                                                                                                       var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                  temp[0] = "
                                                                                                  "; temp[1] = "
                                                                                                    "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                                                    ", "
                                                                                                       getAncestorByTagName : {
                                                                                                         source: function() {
                                                                                                           var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                      temp[0] = "
                                                                                                           return temp;
                                                                                                      output: ["
                                                                                                       getAncestorByClassName : {
                                                                                                         source: function (){
                                                                                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                        "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                                                          "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                                        • item 1
                                                                                                        • "; temp[3]="
                                                                                                        • item 2
                                                                                                        • "; temp[4]="
                                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                                                return temp;
                                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                                        • first
                                                                                                        • ", "
                                                                                                        • second
                                                                                                        • " , "
                                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                                        • "]
                                                                                                            getFirstChild : {
                                                                                                           source: function (){
                                                                                                             var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                        • item 1
                                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                                        • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                                          output : ["
                                                                                                        • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                                                                                        • item 2
                                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                                        • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                                        • item 1
                                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                                        • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                                                                                          "; temp[2]="
                                                                                                        • item 1
                                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                                           output: ["true"]
                                                                                                            insertBefore : {
                                                                                                             source : function(){
                                                                                                             var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                        • new Item
                                                                                                        • ");
                                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                                        • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                                                                                        • new Item
                                                                                                        • ");
                                                                                                             return temp;
                                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                                        • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                                        • ";
                                                                                                                 return temp;
                                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                                        • item 3
                                                                                                        • "]

                                                                                                          }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                                                                                           // update sourceView
                                                                                                           views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                                                                                           // update renderView
                                                                                                           var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                                                                                           code = code.replace(",", "");
                                                                                                           views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                                                                                           var output = views[viewName].output;
                                                                                                           views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                                                                                           var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                                                                                           for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                                                                                          function renderCode(codedemo){

                                                                                                           var out = "";          
                                                                                                          out += "
                                                                                                            var hlString = "";
                                                                                                            for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                                                                                            if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                                                                                              hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                                                                                            } else {
                                                                                                              if (i%2==0)
                                                                                                              hlString = " class="even"";
                                                                                                            out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                                                                                            hlString = ""
                                                                                                           return out;

                                                                                                          } function encode(str){

                                                                                                           str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                                                                                           str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                                                                                           str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                                                                                           return str;

                                                                                                          } })(); </script>

                                                                                                          </body> </html>


                                                                                                          <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                                          isAncestor("demo", "one")

                                                                                                             <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                                          <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                                             <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                                          <title>Exploring the Dom Collection"s API</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                                           can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                                           element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                                           we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                                           CSS treatments. */

                                                                                                          body {


                                                                                                          } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                                          <style type="text/css" media="screen"> div.contentContainer {

                                                                                                           border: 1px solid #333;
                                                                                                           padding: 10px;


                                                                                                          1. source li {
                                                                                                           list-style-type: decimal;
                                                                                                           margin-left: 20px;


                                                                                                          1. source li.highlight {
                                                                                                           list-style-type: decimal;           

                                                                                                          } .highlight {

                                                                                                           background: #ccf;
                                                                                                           color: blue;

                                                                                                          } li.even {

                                                                                                           background: #b3b3b3;



                                                                                                          </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">


                                                                                                          Exploring the Dom Collection"s API

                                                                                                          In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.




                                                                                                          • <a href="foo.html">isAncestor("demo", "one")</a>



                                                                                                          <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> (function() { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("functionList", "click", function(evt) {

                                                                                                           var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(evt);  
                                                                                                           if(evt.type === "click" && target && {

                                                                                                          }); // constant codedemo var codedemo = [];

                                                                                                          "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                            "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                          • item 1
                                                                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                          • item 2
                                                                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                          • item 3
                                                                                                          • "); codedemo.push("
                                                                                                          "); codedemo.push("

                                                                                                          // views object var views = {

                                                                                                           sourceView: document.getElementById("source"),
                                                                                                           renderView: document.getElementById("render"),
                                                                                                           outputView: document.getElementById("output"),
                                                                                                           defaultView: {
                                                                                                             source: function() {
                                                                                                               return codedemo;
                                                                                                             output: ["Please select a function."]
                                                                                                           get1 : {
                                                                                                             source: function(){
                                                                                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                          temp[0] = "
                                                                                                               return temp;
                                                                                                          output: ["
                                                                                                           get2 : {
                                                                                                             source: function(){
                                                                                                               var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                          temp[0] = "
                                                                                                          "; temp[1] = "
                                                                                                            "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                                                            ", "
                                                                                                               getAncestorByTagName : {
                                                                                                                 source: function() {
                                                                                                                   var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                              temp[0] = "
                                                                                                                   return temp;
                                                                                                              output: ["
                                                                                                               getAncestorByClassName : {
                                                                                                                 source: function (){
                                                                                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                                "; return temp; }, output: ["
                                                                                                                  "] }, getChildren : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                                                • "; temp[3]="
                                                                                                                • item 2
                                                                                                                • "; temp[4]="
                                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                                        return temp;
                                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                                • first
                                                                                                                • ", "
                                                                                                                • second
                                                                                                                • " , "
                                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                                • "]
                                                                                                                    getFirstChild : {
                                                                                                                   source: function (){
                                                                                                                     var temp =[].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                                • "] }, getLastChild : { source: function(){ var temp =[].concat(codedemo); temp[4] = "
                                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                                  output : ["
                                                                                                                • "] }, getNextSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[3]="
                                                                                                                • item 2
                                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                                • "] }, getPreviousSibling : { source: function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[2]="
                                                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                                • "] }, isAncestor : { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[0] = "
                                                                                                                  "; temp[2]="
                                                                                                                • item 1
                                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                                   output: ["true"]
                                                                                                                    insertBefore : {
                                                                                                                     source : function(){
                                                                                                                     var temp = [].concat(codedemo);
                                                                                                                • new Item
                                                                                                                • ");
                                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                                • "] }, insertAfter: { source : function(){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp.splice(3,0,"
                                                                                                                • new Item
                                                                                                                • ");
                                                                                                                     return temp;
                                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                                • "] }, getElementsBy : { source: function (){ var temp = [].concat(codedemo); temp[4] ="
                                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                                • ";
                                                                                                                         return temp;
                                                                                                                  output: ["
                                                                                                                • item 3
                                                                                                                • "]

                                                                                                                  }; // render initial view setView("defaultView"); function setView(viewName) {

                                                                                                                   // update sourceView
                                                                                                                   views["sourceView"].innerHTML = renderCode(views[viewName].source());
                                                                                                                   // update renderView
                                                                                                                   var code = views[viewName].source().join("");
                                                                                                                   code = code.replace(",", "");
                                                                                                                   views["renderView"].innerHTML = code;   
                                                                                                                   var output = views[viewName].output;
                                                                                                                   views["outputView"].innerHTML = "";
                                                                                                                   var pre = document.createElement("pre");
                                                                                                                   for (var i = 0; output[i]; i++) {


                                                                                                                  function renderCode(codedemo){

                                                                                                                   var out = "";          
                                                                                                                  out += "
                                                                                                                    var hlString = "";
                                                                                                                    for(var i=0;codedemo[i];i++){                          
                                                                                                                    if (codedemo[i].search("highlight") !== -1) {
                                                                                                                      hlString = " class="highlight"";
                                                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                                                      if (i%2==0)
                                                                                                                      hlString = " class="even"";
                                                                                                                    out += "<li" + hlString + "><code>"+encode(codedemo[i])+"</code></li>"
                                                                                                                    hlString = ""
                                                                                                                   return out;

                                                                                                                  } function encode(str){

                                                                                                                   str = str.replace(/</g,"<");
                                                                                                                   str = str.replace(/>/g,">");
                                                                                                                   str = str.replace(/"/g,""");
                                                                                                                   return str;

                                                                                                                  } })(); </script>

                                                                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                                                  Use Dom"s getStyle method to get the background color of the red element and pass it to the setStyle method

                                                                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                                                  <title>Using getStyle</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                                                                  body {


                                                                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                                                  <style type="text/css">

                                                                                                                  1. foo {


                                                                                                                  1. bar {
                                                                                                                     margin:0 0 1em 100px;

                                                                                                                  } </style>

                                                                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">

                                                                                                                  Using getStyle

                                                                                                                  Clicking the button will use Dom"s getStyle method to get the background color of the red element and pass it to the setStyle method, which will set the blue element"s background to the same color.

                                                                                                                  <button id="demo-run">run</button> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() {

                                                                                                                     var setBgColor = function() {
                                                                                                                         var bgcolor = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle("bar", "backgroundColor");
                                                                                                                         YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle("foo", "backgroundColor", bgcolor);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-run", "click", setBgColor);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.log("The example has finished loading; as you interact with it, you"ll see log messages appearing here.", "info", "example");

                                                                                                                  })(); </script>

                                                                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                                                  Use Dom"s getXY method to get the position of the red element and pass it to the setXY method

                                                                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                                                  <title>Using getXY</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                                                                  body {


                                                                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                                                  <style type="text/css">

                                                                                                                  1. foo {


                                                                                                                  1. bar {
                                                                                                                     margin:0 100px 1em;

                                                                                                                  } </style>

                                                                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">

                                                                                                                  Using getXY

                                                                                                                  Clicking the button will use Dom"s getXY method to get the position of the red element and pass it to the setXY method, which will move the blue element to that position.

                                                                                                                  <button id="demo-run">run</button> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() {

                                                                                                                     var move = function() {
                                                                                                                         var xy = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY("bar");
                                                                                                                         YAHOO.util.Dom.setXY("foo", xy);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-run", "click", move);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.log("The example has finished loading; as you interact with it, you"ll see log messages appearing here.", "info", "example");

                                                                                                                  })(); </script>

                                                                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                                                  Use Dom"s hasClass method to test if the element has the class baz applied.

                                                                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                                                  <title>Using hasClass</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                                                                  body {


                                                                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                                                  <style type="text/css">

                                                                                                                  1. foo {

                                                                                                                  } </style>

                                                                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">

                                                                                                                  Using hasClass

                                                                                                                  Clicking the button will use Dom"s hasClass method to test if the element has the class baz applied.


                                                                                                                  <button id="demo-run">run</button> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() {

                                                                                                                     var testClass = function(e) {
                                                                                                                         alert(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass("foo", "baz"));
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-run", "click", testClass);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.log("The example has finished loading; as you interact with it, you"ll see log messages appearing here.", "info", "example");

                                                                                                                  })(); </script>

                                                                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                                                  Use Dom"s removeClass method to remove the class baz from the element.

                                                                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                                                  <title>Using removeClass</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                                                                  body {


                                                                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                                                  <style type="text/css">

                                                                                                                  1. foo {

                                                                                                                  } </style>

                                                                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">

                                                                                                                  Using removeClass

                                                                                                                  Clicking the button will use Dom"s removeClass method to remove the class baz from the element.


                                                                                                                  <button id="demo-run">run</button> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() {

                                                                                                                     var removeClass = function(e) {
                                                                                                                         YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass("foo", "baz");
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-run", "click", removeClass);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.log("The example has finished loading; as you interact with it, you"ll see log messages appearing here.", "info", "example");

                                                                                                                  })(); </script>

                                                                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                                                  Use Dom"s setStyle method to set the opacity of the element.

                                                                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                                                  <title>Using setStyle</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                                                                  body {


                                                                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                                                  <style type="text/css">

                                                                                                                  1. foo {

                                                                                                                  } </style>

                                                                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">

                                                                                                                  Using setStyle

                                                                                                                  Clicking the button will use Dom"s setStyle method to set the opacity of the element.

                                                                                                                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

                                                                                                                  <button id="demo-run">run</button> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() {

                                                                                                                     var fade = function() {
                                                                                                                         YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle("foo", "opacity", 0.5);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-run", "click", fade);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.log("The example has finished loading; as you interact with it, you"ll see log messages appearing here.", "info", "example");

                                                                                                                  })(); </script>

                                                                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                                                  Use Dom"s setXY method to position the element to the click point.

                                                                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                                                  <title>Using setXY</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                                                                  body {


                                                                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>

                                                                                                                  <style type="text/css">

                                                                                                                  1. demo {

                                                                                                                  } </style>

                                                                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">

                                                                                                                  Using setXY

                                                                                                                  Clicking the document will use Dom"s setXY method to position the element to the click point.

                                                                                                                  <style type="text/css">

                                                                                                                  1. foo {width:10px; height:10px;background-color:#00f;}


                                                                                                                  <script> (function() {

                                                                                                                     var move = function(e) {
                                                                                                                         YAHOO.util.Dom.setXY("foo", YAHOO.util.Event.getXY(e));
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on(document, "click", move);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.log("The example has finished loading; as you interact with it, you"ll see log messages appearing here.", "info", "example");

                                                                                                                  })(); </script>

                                                                                                                  </body> </html>


                                                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>

                                                                                                                  Using filter

                                                                                                                     <source lang="html4strict">

                                                                                                                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>

                                                                                                                     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

                                                                                                                  <title>Using filter</title> <style type="text/css"> /*margin and padding on body element

                                                                                                                   can introduce errors in determining
                                                                                                                   element position and are not recommended;
                                                                                                                   we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
                                                                                                                   CSS treatments. */

                                                                                                                  body {


                                                                                                                  } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui_2.7.0b-lib/fonts/fonts-min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui_2.7.0b-lib/selector/selector-min.js"></script>

                                                                                                                  <style type="text/css">

                                                                                                                  1. selector-demo ul {


                                                                                                                  1. selector-demo ol {

                                                                                                                  } </style>

                                                                                                                  </head> <body class=" yui-skin-sam">

                                                                                                                  Using filter

                                                                                                                  Clicking the button will alert the number of items with the class of "selected" applied.

                                                                                                                  • lorem
                                                                                                                  • ipsum
                                                                                                                  • dolor
                                                                                                                  • sit
                                                                                                                  • lorem
                                                                                                                  • ipsum
                                                                                                                  • dolor
                                                                                                                  • sit
                                                                                                                  • lorem
                                                                                                                  • ipsum
                                                                                                                  • dolor
                                                                                                                  • sit
                                                                                                                  1. lorem
                                                                                                                  2. ipsum
                                                                                                                  3. dolor
                                                                                                                  4. sit
                                                                                                                     <button id="demo-run">run</button>

                                                                                                                  <script type="text/javascript"> (function() {

                                                                                                                     var nodes = document.getElementById("selector-demo").getElementsByTagName("li");
                                                                                                                     var handleClick = function(e) {
                                                                                                                         nodes = YAHOO.util.Selector.filter(nodes, ".selected");
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.util.Event.on("demo-run", "click", handleClick);
                                                                                                                     YAHOO.log("The example has finished loading; as you interact with it, you"ll see log messages appearing here.", "info", "example");

                                                                                                                  })(); </script>

                                                                                                                  </body> </html>

                                                                                                                  <A href=""> 4,431 k)</a>