PHP/Utility Function/include

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Behavior of Files Included Using include

   <source lang="html4strict">

//File: <?php

   echo "Inside the included file
"; return "Returned String"; echo "After the return inside the include

?> <?php

   echo "Inside of includetest.php
"; $ret = include (""); echo "Done including
"; echo "Value returned was "$ret"";



Including files relative to the current file

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php $currentDir = dirname(__FILE__); include $currentDir . "/functions.php"; include $currentDir . "/classes.php"; ?>


Including Other Files

   <source lang="html4strict">


           print "Starting foo\n";
           include "bar.php";
           print "Finishing foo\n";


           print "In bar\n";

After including foo.php would look like this:

           print "Starting foo\n";
           print "In bar\n";
           print "Finishing foo\n";

Using include() to Execute PHP and Assign the Return Value

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>Acquiring a Return Value with include()</title> </head> <body>

<?php $addResult = include("another.php"); print "The include file returned $addResult"; ?>

</body> </html>

//An Include File That Returns a Value //another.php

$retval = ( 4 + 4 );
return $retval;

Using include to Load Files in PHP

   <source lang="html4strict">

//File: <?

   function is_leapyear($year = 2004) {
       $is_leap = (!($year % 4) && (($year % 100) || !($year % 400)));
       return $is_leap;

?> <?php

   include ("");     // Parentheses are optional 
   $leap = is_leapyear(2003);



Using include() Within a Loop

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>Using include() Within a Loop</title> </head> <body>

<?php for ( $x=1; $x<=3; $x++ ) {

$incfile = "incfile".$x.".txt";
print "

"; print "Attempting include $incfile
"; include( "$incfile" ); print "


} ?>

</body> </html>
