PHP/File Directory/fputs

Материал из Web эксперт
Перейти к: навигация, поиск

A Simple Text-File Hit Counter

   <source lang="html4strict">


   function retrieveCount($hitfile) {
       $fr = @fopen($hitfile, "r");
       if(!$fr) {
           $count = 0;
       } else {
           $count = fgets($fr, 4096);
       $fr = @fopen($hitfile, "w");
       if(!$fr) return false;
       if(@fputs($fr, $count) == -1) return false;
       return $count;
   $count = retrieveCount("hitcount.dat");
   if($count !== false) {
       echo "This page has been visited $count times
"; } else { echo "An Error has occurred.
"; }



Storing data on a remote server

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php $file = fopen("", "w");

   if (!$file) {
echo "

Unable to open remote file for writing.\n"; exit; } fputs($file, "$HTTP_USER_AGENT\n"); fclose($file); ?> </source>

Using the fputs() Function

   <source lang="html4strict">


    function custom_echo($string) {
         $output = "Custom Message: $string";
         fputs(STDOUT, $string);
    custom_echo("This is my custom echo function!");



Writing and Appending to a File

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>Writing and Appending to a File</title> </head> <body>

<?php $filename = "data.txt"; print "Writing to $filename
"; $fp = fopen ( $filename, "w" ) or die ( "Couldn"t open $filename" ); fwrite ( $fp, "Hello world\n" ); fclose ( $fp ); print "Appending to $filename
"; $fp = fopen ( $filename, "a" ) or die ( "Couldn"t open $filename" ); fputs ( $fp, "And another thing\n" ); fclose ( $fp ); ?>

</body> </html>
